Dunja Larise

junior fellow
EURIAS cohort 2017/2018
discipline Political Science
Junior Fellow, Institute of Advanced Studies, Central European University in Budapest

Research project

Democracy and Crisis in Europe


The Euro-zone crisis and the Syrian refugee crisis unfolded the weakness of European institutions and legal frameworks in providing quick, synchronized and sustainable solutions for the problems Europe confronts and revealed the radical semantic openness of the one of the fundamental conceptual cornerstones of Europe’s political identity: The idea of democracy.  The Euro-zone crisis arose the question of who rules over economic and financial policies and does genuine democratic policy comprise a democratic decision-making and transparency in economic and financial matters? The refugee crisis sparked the debate about cultural values and their relationship with European democracy.


This project addresses re-negotiation and reconstruction of the concept of democracy in Europe as currently refashioned against the backdrop of the economic and refugee crises by analyzing first, what different political and societal interests act as agents in reshaping the meanings of the concept of democracy in Europe and second, how the mutual inferences and cross-references of the concepts of crisis, democracy and culture in political debates reconfigure their definitions and contents.






Dunja Larise is a scientific lecturer for political theory and theory and empirical studies of international politics. She holds a Ph.D in Political Theory. Her previous post-doctoral positions include European University Institute in Florence, CERI Sciences Po in Paris, MacMillan Center for Regional and Area Studies of the Yale University and Institute of Advanced Studies in Vienna. Her research fields and interests include: democracy theory, state theory, political Islam, Middle East and Balkan region.



Selected publications


'Islamic Religious Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Muslim/Bosniak Nation-Building in Western Balkans', Nationalities Papers: The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity, vol. 43, no. 2, 2015. pp. 195-212.


'State, Democracy and Ethnicity in the Global Political Economy', in H. Babacan & P. Hermann (eds), Nation State and Ethnic Diversity, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2013, pp. 37-57.


'Civil Society in the Political Thinking of European Muslim Brothers', Journal of Religion in Europe, vol. 5, no. 2, 2012. pp. 245–272.


Mythos Kultur–Eine Kritik der Kulturtheorie zur Zeit der Globalisierung, Praesens, Vienna, 2009.


Zwischen Gottesstaat und Demokratie: Handbuch des politischen Islam, with T. Schmidinger (eds), Deutike, Vienna, 2008.





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