Jelena Petrovic

Research project
The concept of love is reflected as an active paradigm that shifts the boundaries between public and private space and between individual and collective relations through different forms of sociality. The social subjectivation of love is perceived as an emerging process toward the emancipatory re/production of everyday life. The research uses anthropology as methodological and analytical tool, feminism and history of the leftist ideas as a political-theoretical ground and contemporary art as a field of emancipatory practice. Accordingly, the main goal of the research is to explore and articulate the idea of love as an emancipatory act of thinking, understanding and living, on the one hand, and to face and reflect the prevailing social constructs of love in public/private space and trough individual/collective relations on the other. This cross-disciplinary research is aimed to generate societal transformative epistemology of love that intervenes into ideology and politics of love by groundbreaking strategies of knowledge production.
Jelena Petrović completed her doctoral studies at the Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis, Ljubljana Graduate School of Humanities (ISH) in 2009, defending the doctoral dissertation entitled Gender and Women's Authorship in Literary Culture and Public Discourses in Yugoslavia between Two World Wars. (Co)author of many scholarly articles, art-theory events, contemporary art exhibitions and cross-disciplinary projects relating to the post/Yugoslav subjects – particularly to the mis/interpretative models of Yugoslav history, memory, culture, language and gender, moving toward new epistemological models of the knowledge production. Affiliated as an independent lecturer (assistant professor of anthropology) with the ISH, Ljubljana Graduate School for Humanities. Member of the international editorial board Red Athena University Press and Belgrade's Journal for Women’s Writing and Culture ProFemina, the art-theory group Grupa Spomenik/Monument Group and the feminist curatorial collective Red Min(e)d.
Her main areas of interest are Woman’s Authorship, Politics of Memory, Feminism, Anthropology of Gender, Art Theory and Practice, Emancipatory Politics of Knowledge Production, Studies of Yugoslavia.
Selected publications
'What is Left of the Feminist Left?', in B. Kašić, J. Petrović, S. Prlenda & S. Slapšak (eds), Critical Feminist Interventions - Thinking Heritage, Decolonising, Crossing, Red Athena University Press RAUP, Zagreb, 2013, pp. 83-93.
'The Yugoslav Modernism and Feminist Discourse on Love, Love and Sexuality', in S. Mitrović & A. Adam (eds), Love and Sexuality: Anthropological, Cultural and Historical Crossings, Red Athena University Press, RAUP, Zagreb, 2011, pp. 93-105.
'Žensko autorstvo između dva svetska rata: prilog književnoj antropologiji roda/ Women’s authorship between two worlds wars', Teorije i politike roda, rodni identiteti u književnostima i kulturama jugoistočne Evrope/Theories and politics of Gender, Institut za književnost i umetnost/Institute for Art and Literature, Beograd, 2008.