Collegium de Lyon

Collegium de Lyon
Immeuble Tony Garnier / entrée A, 2e étage
24 rue Jean Baldassini
69007 Lyon
Tel.: +33 (0)4 72 76 14 10
Contact person: Marie Verleure
The Collegium de Lyon is one of the four French Institutes of Advanced Studies grouped in the Réseau Français des Instituts d’Etudes Avancées (RFIEA) that has its headquarters in Lyon. It is an independent centre of research that allows a community of high-level researchers and professors to be offered the possibility, for a limited period of 5 months or of 10 months to be freed of the usual constraints associated with their teaching and/or administration of research, in order to devote themselves entirely to their research work. Each of the invited residents is completely free to follow the work of their choice, without any predefined research programme that would restrict their creativity. The approach is completely « bottom-up » with only the best scholars recruited, regardless of their domain of expertise or the topic of their research. New research opportunities which are truly innovative and interdisciplinary will emerge from this cohabitation, in the one place, and under ideal work conditions, by scholars of the highest standard who are working on different topics.

Supported by regional and local authorities, the Collegium de Lyon provides access to all the resources and opportunities in and around Lyon, one of the most dynamic métropole in research and development in Europe. It is located in the heart of Lyon, close to the main academic centres. A total of twenty research positions are available each year and applications can be submitted at any time.
The Collegium de Lyon is not intended to be a concentration of scholars, all invited because they work on a same or similar topic. Consequently, there are no real scientific priorities. Moreover, placing an emphasis on dialogue and cross-disciplinarity, the Collegium de Lyon is not only restricted in the Humanities and Social Sciences domain, but open to other scientific fields, especially the studies on complex systems, cognitive sciences and the whole range of life sciences.