Katie Barclay

Research project
The aims of this project are to produce the first history of the Scottish family and a new methodology for how to study social behaviour while taking account of the family. It addresses the significant question of how variation is produced in social groups, with its implications for important issues such as social mobility. The intended outcome of this project is a major intervention in the history of the family that explains how child-rearing practices, family identity and myth-making shape the personalities of its members and so the impact of the family on the world. It uses a cutting history of emotions methodology, an interdisciplinary approach that draws on perspectives from educational development and psychology, gender studies, history, literature, philosophy and cognitive science. Its key benefit will be to offer "the family" as a lens through which scholars from a range of disciplines and policymakers can interpret social, economic and political action and so improve interventions in family life aimed at reducing social inequity.
Katie Barclay is a Research Fellow at the ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions at the University of Adelaide (Australia). From June 2014-17, she holds a Discovery Early Career Research Award. She holds a Ph.D in Economic and Social History from the University of Glasgow. Her main research interests focus on the relationship between the construction of identity (particularly gender), emotion and power relationships within family and social life, with a particular geographical focus on the United Kingdom (including Ireland).
Selected publications
'Natural Affection, the Patriarchal Family and the 'Strict Settlement' Debate: a Response from the History of Emotions', Eighteenth Century Theory and Interpretation, 2017. [forthcoming]
Emotion, Ritual and Power in Europe, 1200-1920: Family, State and Church, with M.L. Bailey (eds), Springer, 2017.
'Emotions, the Law and the Press in Britain: Seduction and Breach of Promise Suits, 1780-
1830', Journal of Eighteenth-Century Studies, vol.39, no. 2, 2016, pp. 267-284.
'Illicit Intimacies: the Many Families of Gilbert Innes of Stow (1751-1832)', Gender & History,
vol. 27, no. 3, 2015, pp. 576-590.
'Sounds of Sedition: Music and Emotion in Ireland, 1780-18 45', Cultural History, vol. 3, no. 1, 2014, pp. 54-80.
Love Intimacy and Power: Marriage and Patriarchy in Scotland, 1650-1850, Manchester University Press, Manchester, 2011; 2nd edition (paperback), 2014.